
Zapier trigger when an invoice is overdue (feature request)

Brent_BaltzerBrent_Baltzer Member Posts: 2

I have been reading the excellent Wave Guide to Fearless Accounting and came across the section about what to do when an invoice becomes overdue. It suggests calling the client, requesting payment a certain way, getting them to enter their credit card into the system, etc. This is great advice. I would like to make it systematic!

If you could add a trigger to Zapier for when an invoice is overdue, I could build a process in Process Street, and have it create a new task when an invoice becomes overdue. I could then assign this task to whomever I wanted, with the process and script right there in Process Street. Currently, there is no alerts for when an invoice is overdue.

Please add this as a feature. Thank you!


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Brent_Baltzer

    This sounds like a neat idea and pardon me for not exactly understanding the process of what it is you'd be doing, but it seems interesting. Regarding overdue invoice reminders, how system does have an automation to remind the client that it is in fact overdue. This can be found in the invoice verification section:

    It doesn't necessarily automate any sort of payment method, however it does remind your client that the invoice is overdue. You can also manually send reminders from the invoice page as well:

    I understand you're submitting a feature request and we always appreciate people feedback, I will however let you know that our team is currently swarmed with upcoming to-do's so there may be some prioritizing of necessary updates. But we always appreciate hearing from our users on new requests they'd love to see :)

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    Brent_BaltzerBrent_Baltzer Member Posts: 2

    Thanks @BarsinA

    I do like that you can automatically send reminders to clients who are late, but what if they still don't pay? Then it's up to us to go in and manually check for overdue invoices. It's not the end of the world, but I don't see why this isn't a standard feature. Luckily, we don't often have the problem of non-payers, but as we grow it would be nice to have an automatic notification (at least) when someone has not paid (notification to me... not the customer).

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Brent_Baltzer . Thanks so much for breaking down your workflow and explaining how this would benefit your business. Ultimately, this helps us communicate the needs of our users to the appropriate team when it comes time to decide what's next on the docket.

    P.S. Glad to hear you don't struggle with non-payers :), this can be a real issue with small businesses!

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