Is it possible to subdivide account categories in Wave?

eneal2234eneal2234 Member Posts: 2

For reporting purposes I would like to have a category titled "Travel" that is then subdivided in the report into "Meals", "Transport" and "Lodging". Is this possible to do in Wave?


  • TraekTraek Member Posts: 4

    Unfortunately it is not. Each "category" is actually an account that does not have multiple layers of inheritance. That is, you cannot have one category that encompasses one or more subcategories (other than Operating Expenses generally).

    I would love to see a 'tag' feature in transactions for a kind of sub-categorization purely for reporting purposes but as of now, the only thing you could do to get you even somewhat close would be to create three Travel accounts a la:

    1. Travel - Meals
    2. Travel - Transportation
    3. Travel - Lodging

    Then, of course, your reporting would show them separated but could still easily be rolled up. It really depends on the audience this reporting is for but if it's for other owners that don't see the raw data, I suggest you use something like the above and add up all of the expenses for an overview (pie chart or whatever).

    Best of luck! Let us know here if you decide to log a feature request along these lines.

  • eneal2234eneal2234 Member Posts: 2

    Thanks Traek for the information - much appreciated!

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @eneal2234! Thanks for reaching out. So, @Traek is totally correct here! This type of function is not available in Wave, and the advice given for creating separate accounts is what we would recommend! From what I know, we do not have any work in the pipeline to build this, but we do get a few requests so it has been logged! Hopefully it is something we can bring to the table in the future, but for now this is the best way to record it.

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