
Scan receipts best practice

jarthdajarthda Member Posts: 5

Hello everyone and thanks in advance for reading. Should I scan receipts which I know to come through my bank connection? It's nice to have the image but seem to come at the cost of manually finding them in transactions, clicking both, then clicking merge. Is this what folks are doing?



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    StijnStijn Member Posts: 3

    Possibly. I'm doing the same. Load receipt so I have 'evidence' for tax audit purposes and merge with the transaction when it comes in, so no trouble with reconciliation. It would be nice if Wave could recognise this and make merge suggestions to simply the merging process.

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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @jarthda & @Stijn! This is a great discussion topic! I guess it comes down to personal preference. If you like (or require) having a receipt image, then uploading the receipts and merging the transactions are the steps to follow. This does create extra work, and I agree that if an 'auto-categorization' tool could recognize these transactions and create merge suggestions, it would be helpful to your workflow! It is not currently on the road-map for this year, as we look to release other functions and products but hopefully it is something we can visit in the future!

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    SoulBeSoulBe Member Posts: 5

    Yes it is a manual process. In addition, could the system have an add-on: Being able to add a file to the transaction, when we are reconciling, or matching? This way we can add images and pdf documents to the transaction, rather than having them created as a receipt (and double entry).

    Wave could have a 'file library' option in the menu, upload the files, and then we can pick the correct file and attach to the relevant transaction, once the bank connection has provided the transactions.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @SoulBe . This is definitely a request we get from time-to-time from users. I especially like your suggestion here on adding a file library to make it easier! I'll pass your feedback onto the team :smile:

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    jarthdajarthda Member Posts: 5

    Thank you everyone for commenting. Although I'm a data manager and SQL guy for some time now, this is my first time 'balancing' books for my own business. I'm learning a lot of concepts aside from the accounting software itself. The community seems good and this is a big help. Thanks all!

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @jarthda thanks for being apart of it :smile:

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