
Chart of Accounts different on phone from website

MinervaMinerva Member Posts: 2

I made an addition of two categories in Chart of Accounts. It shows up on the website but not on my phone app.


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Minerva . Because the online platform may not sync with the mobile app right away, I'd recommend logging out and logging back in to the app. If this doesn't work, please try uninstalling and re-installing the app.

    edited September 9, 2019
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    matt123matt123 Member Posts: 4

    Hi, I have the same problem of a short-term liability account (expense clearing account) from my chart of accounts not showing up as a payment account option in the app for one of my businesses. The corresponding liability account does show up for another of my businesses though, so I am confused. This is not a newly added account, and I have tried the logout/reinstall method.

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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @matt123! Thanks for reaching out here! The payment account should only display accounts that are listed under Asset > Cash & Bank in your Chart of Accounts. When you accept money for an invoice, you would technically have the money as cash in your hand, or it would be deposited into a bank account. I recommend checking out this Help Center article on the topic as well - What is a payment account :)

    edited September 13, 2019
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