Bank recently reworked it's online banking and transactions stopped

AetherAether Member Posts: 3


I use a relatively small bank (First Interstate Bank - Business) and I noticed about a month ago transactions stopped coming into Wave. I logged into the banks online banking area and noticed they had reworked the whole thing to look much more modern. I tried refreshing the connection in Wave but that did not work. I tried removing it and re-adding it but it cannot be successfully re-added (error is bad user/password but I can login at the bank with those same credentials).

I suspect the Wave integration broke when the bank reworked it's online banking but I'm not sure. Hopefully if that is what broke the connection it's something that get's updated!


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Aether . The bank connection feature is provided and maintained by a Third Party Data Aggregator that makes this feature available in Wave. Because of this, Wave isn't actually the one that runs or updates these connections, as it's completely up to our data aggregator.

    It sounds like what happened here is that your bank updated their online banking portal, and our aggregator has not made the necessary updates to have your data flowing through again. The good news is that updates on the bank's end are usually rectified by our data aggregator at some point as these are some of the easier issues to identify. The bad news is I don't have an ETA and we're unable to speed up the process of when it will happen.

    Until this is fixed, I'd recommend using our Google Sheets integrations called Wave Connect to import your transactions into Wave, as this should make it easier for you without the headache of missing transactions.

    edited September 9, 2019
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