Anybody also stuck in Uploading Invoice using Google Sheets?

emcreditscentralemcreditscentral Member Posts: 9

I just want to know if it's my machine or what. After validating i can't seems to upload my invoices. Uploading loading animation just goes on forever.



  • ActonActon Member Posts: 2

    Ditto. Any luck resolving issue?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @emcreditscentral & @Acton! Thanks for reaching out here! Have you added your customers and products into your Wave business prior to uploading your invoices? This is the usual cause of the upload not working. If not, navigate to your business in Wave, add the customers and products, and re-attempt the invoice upload through Google Sheets. You can find some tips for uploading in this Wave Connect guide. Let us know if you continue to run into problems!

  • ActonActon Member Posts: 2

    Hi Emma,
    Tried just about everything. Last attempt was deleting all invoices, customers and products and uploading them first customers, then products then invoices. Customers and products went like clockwork. I tried to upload a simple invoice generated in google sheets using the drop-down menus for the customer and product column, with no other data. Validation went well, but again the process hung up in step 3 when trying to upload.

    Some odd things:

    • Initially I was able to upload invoices, but something happened to prevent it.
    • If I add information in the Taxes column, the invoice sheet WILL NOT validate. Could this be where things are hanging up?
    • I tried from a different computer. I bought a new lap top to see my computer was having problems: No effect.

    • I tried from a different google account: No effect.

    • I tried on a different server: No effect.
    • I changed the format of my product names: No effect.
    • I tried manually inputting product, customer, and invoice: No effect.

    Please let me know if you have any ideas.

  • xeniumxenium Member Posts: 21

    I have the same problem. Tried several variations no luck.

    Looks like a bug on Wave connect.

    Wave please advise.

    @EmmaP Wave Connect pre-validates entry of Customers and Products so bad data should not be the cause here (in any case it should report an error instead of hanging)

    Thanks for your prompt attention - keen to get this sorted.

  • emcreditscentralemcreditscentral Member Posts: 9
    @EmmaP i have all the customers and products setup. i tried uploading one line or two lines. it's all the same.
  • emcreditscentralemcreditscentral Member Posts: 9

    I tried using Zapier as a workaround for the meantime. I am getting below error:

    We had trouble sending your test through.
    Got 500 calling POST, expected 2xx.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @Acton @emcreditscentral @xenium Hi guys. Looks like we've been having a recent issue with certain aspects of Wave Connect and it seems like it's most likely affecting you as well. We're currently working on getting this fixed so I'd suggest checking back in a few days to see if we've implemented the solution yet.

  • emcreditscentralemcreditscentral Member Posts: 9
    is it happening with zapier too?
  • ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @emcreditscentral How are you using Zapier? Which app are you integrating with Wave? I'm curious what your workflow is! For Zapier related questions, it might be more helpful to submit a support ticket with them here:

  • emcreditscentralemcreditscentral Member Posts: 9

    Hi is there any update regarding WaveConnect?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @emcreditscentral

    Really sorry you're one of the users affected by this. Currently no update, but our team is working on fixing this issue :(

  • ffletchffletch Member Posts: 5

    Any update on this?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ffletch, @emcreditscentral, @xenium & @Acton! Thanks for reaching out about this issue, we appreciate your patience while we work on this. The team have provided a workaround that should allow you to upload in the mean time while they work towards a resolution.

    When creating the invoice upload sheet with Wave Connect, select the following additional / optional fields, and consider them mandatory:

    • Invoice Date
    • Due Date
    • Currency
    • Invoice Number Label

    Note that the Invoice Number Label is the ‘name’ of the invoice document, usually just “Invoice”.

    Hope this helps!

  • ffletchffletch Member Posts: 5

    Thanks @EmmaP I was missing the Invoice Number Label field. Once I added that with the value "invoice" on every line, then I was able to upload invoices.

    I am running into another issue. Whenever I upload an invoice it shows as unpaid once its uploaded. I've tried adding the following columns with appropriate values in them and it hasn't worked:
    Payment Date, Last Payment Date, Status, Payment Account and Payment method

    I even tried downloading sample existing invoices to see what fields I should be looking for and I think I have all of the columns from those sample invoices. Not sure what I'm missing. It'd be great if there were some sort of log so that I could better understand why it didn't work.

    Any idea what might be going on? Or perhaps do you have any suggestions for addressing this issue?

    Thanks again for your help!

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ffletch! I think I can see what's happening here! When you mark an invoice as paid, it creates an income transaction for that invoice. If you're importing invoice into Wave, and they've already been paid, then you would need an income transaction in your Accounting > Transactions page that would mark that invoice as paid. We can't mark an invoice as paid without showing income for that invoice.

  • ffletchffletch Member Posts: 5

    @ConnorM - Thanks for your response - I understand what you're saying and that makes sense. So my conundrum is that I'm starting from scratch. All I have is invoices. I do want to capture the pay date and the fact that they were paid as that's obviously important information that I need for historical purposes. Any suggestions? What are my options?

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    @ffletch Sure thing. Definitely doable within Wave, you've got two options here! One is to record a payment, by navigating to the invoices from your Sales > Invoices page (once it has been imported), and you'll see a button that says 'Record a payment'. That's going to let you punch your payment information in just from a records perspective, and it will also automatically create a transaction in order to reconcile that invoice as paid. I'm thinking that's going to be your best bet!

  • emcreditscentralemcreditscentral Member Posts: 9
    Hi @EmmaP workaround was able to fix the problem for uploading. thanks for that. Now I am having a problem uploading consecutive invoices for a same customer. It seems even if I put a different invoice number it reads it as one invoice with multiple lines. It also uses the invoice number indicated on the first line. i tried uploading with alternating customers and it is working fine.
  • ffletchffletch Member Posts: 5

    @ConnorM said:
    @ffletch Sure thing. Definitely doable within Wave, you've got two options here! One is to record a payment, by navigating to the invoices from your Sales > Invoices page (once it has been imported), and you'll see a button that says 'Record a payment'. That's going to let you punch your payment information in just from a records perspective, and it will also automatically create a transaction in order to reconcile that invoice as paid. I'm thinking that's going to be your best bet!

    @ConnorM Thanks again for your response. Is there a way to handle this on import? I'm importing 100's of invoices. So entering payment manually for each of them is going to take awhile. It also leaves open the strong possibility of human error with the manual entries.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @emcreditscentral! Thanks for reaching out, that's definitely an odd one. I'd recommend continuing to upload with alternating customers, if that's working out!

    @ffletch I totally hear you, that's a tough one. There isn't a way, unfortunately, to handle this on import, which I understand puts you in a bit of a bind. I'm sorry that we don't have a better workaround for that at this time.

  • ffletchffletch Member Posts: 5

    @ConnorM Thanks once again for your response. I really appreciate the transparency. At this point I just need to know how high the mountain that I need to climb is :smile: . We'll import invoices without payment information for now. It might be nice to have some sort of note or something (perhaps in the validation step) that mentions those fields are not used on import. Thanks again for your help.

  • emcreditscentralemcreditscentral Member Posts: 9
    @ConnorM that works for now but i have a customer with multiple invoices so if i will be uploading them one by one it would be a lot more inefficient. i hope you could check it out and see what's causing it?
  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @emcreditscentral I'd love to see what's causing it! Let's start by having you send a screenshot of that invoice upload in your Wave Connect sheet. Happy to get some eyes on that and we can start there!

  • VirginiaVirginia Member Posts: 6

    I am still having issues with Wave Connect, I have used the option "Prepare Input Sheet" and selected the following mandatory fields as suggested by EmmaP
    • Invoice Date
    • Due Date
    • Invoice Currency
    • Invoice Number Label

    It just sits there pulsing on step 2.

    is there a fix for this?


  • VirginiaVirginia Member Posts: 6

    Ok, it finally validated, now its sooooo slow at uploading. Been running maybe 5 minutes now. I have a very fast internet connection, so its not ISP speed issue.

  • emcreditscentralemcreditscentral Member Posts: 9

    @ConnorM i sent you a message with the links to the screenshots. Hope we can fix these. Thank you.

  • VirginiaVirginia Member Posts: 6

    ok, after 24 hours and multiple attempts it has still not uploaded invoices

  • VirginiaVirginia Member Posts: 6

    This is as far as it gets, I have tried different PC, made sure browser up to date etc.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone. This seems to be an ongoing issue that we're having which causes an infinite load time. We do have a temporary solution to this until we can get it fixed. When creating the invoice upload sheet, select the following additional / optional fields, and consider them mandatory:

    Invoice Date
    Due Date
    Invoice Number Label

    The only one that should not be intuitive to complete is Invoice Number Label. This is simply the 'name' of the invoice document, usually just “Invoice”.

  • emcreditscentralemcreditscentral Member Posts: 9
    @ConnorM were you able to see my message?
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