Add New Payment Account?

Woodglory_Invest08Woodglory_Invest08 Member Posts: 1

Hey there everyone,

I was wondering if someone could detail how I go about adding a new payment account. I just recently received a credit card for my business and I wanted to add that account, as well as my company's checking account.

Just to be clear, this is specifically for when I'm entering receipts. I want to be able to categorize which account the purchase was made with. Hope this makes sense


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Woodglory_Invest08 , this makes complete sense! Any accounts that you want to add at all should be added under the Chart of Accounts. A checking account should be adding specifically under Assets > Cash & Bank while a Credit Card should be added under Liabilities.

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