Merge function Overrides Taxes. Why? Bug!

VinistoisVinistois Member Posts: 1
  1. I buy something. I use the app and scan the receipt. I check it and add the appropriate Taxes and category. This transaction shows up nicely in the records, with the tax amounts filled in properly and the correct expense category.

  2. Wave syncs up with my bank records and imports the transaction. A duplicate entry is created. This is understandable. This entry has no taxes, just the total. Again, understandable. Wave guesses at the category. Ok.

  3. When I reconcile, I click the two transactions and merge them. I want to keep both source records - the transaction and the receipt image. Obviously the taxes I entered are correct, and I need to keep them, along with the expense category I selected in step 1.

Expected result - Wave merges the transactions, keeps my tax amoutnts, and keeps the category I selected.

Actual result - Wave deletes my tax amounts and overrides the category with its own.

In my opinion this is a bug that should be fixed. User submitted data should never be deleted like that (something about Wave's mission statement??). It would seem obvious that the tax amounts and category that a user selects are more accurate than ones that Wave has guessed.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Vinistois.

    I can empathize with your frustration. I tested a few things on my end and it seems that the transaction created from merged duplicate transactions always takes the details of whichever one was created first.

    That being said, we're currently in the process of moving all of our users to an entirely new interface for the accounting-side of Wave, and users of the new version deal with duplicates differently.

    The easiest way to save you time in the future would be to simply delete the transaction imported from your bank, instead of merging your transactions.

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