Trouble adding email 2nd email address to profile

zanezibarzanezibar Member Posts: 2

I'm having a problem adding a second email address to my profile. The email address I want to add to my account was previously used as a collaborator, which I have since removed. I'm getting an error message saying "This email address is already associated with a Wave account," which is not true anymore.

This all came about when I sent an estimate to a client and it came from my personal email, not my business email. I originally signed up for the account using my "Google" account not realizing that it was going to be sending the emails from that account.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @zanezibar.

    So when you bring in an account as a collaborator, they also need to create their own Wave account. And an email can't be attached to two accounts. What you'll have to do is log in with your second email. You'll end up in a Wave account with no business. You'll have to close that account completely before being able to add that email to your actual Wave account. You can find out how to close a Wave account here.

    Once that's done, you'll be able to add that email to your Wave Account.

    Note that I've had to move your post to the appropriate category. Please make sure you post you questions in the appropriate place. This post did not belong under Forum Rules

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