Trouble with Cash in hand balance

I started using this app in June'2019 and in initial days i was just playing around and understanding. Initially my new company company bank accounts were being setup so entered the amounts to cash in hand account instead of my bank account.
one of the entery of $39 was marked as reconciled on June 30th but later i moved all entries of Cash in hand amount to my My Bank line account.
this still shows up till today as in asset and cash holding with me where in when i click on link to go to the transactions screen it is nill.
If it is a glitch, please ask one of your support member to correct it in my database.
Rest all changes were updated correctly in reports but this money shows up in bank account as well as in cash in assets.
Hey @shivatraders . I've taken a look at your back end data and made a quick adjustment to the way it's displayed. Hoping this solves the issue for you but let me know if you're still having issues?