Is there a bug with foreign currency?

fbsworldfbsworld Member Posts: 2

I'm using WavesApp and my accounting currency is in AED. I have a bank account in AED and in USD. Transactions are imported using Bank Connections. So I have 2 charts of accounts BANK AED and BANK USD. I do not have issue to match BANK AED transactions with invoices from Accounting > Transactions: Select a category > Payment received for an invoice in Wave > all the unpaid invoices are listed. But when I do the same with BANK USD transactions, I do not have any unpaid invoices are listed?? Is there a bug??


  • fbsworldfbsworld Member Posts: 2

    Is it the same for you? No unpaid invoices listed on a foreing currency charts of account?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @fbsworld.

    The reason those invoices are not showing is because you can only record a payment to an invoice if the currency of both the payment and the invoices match. So in this case, you would only see invoices in USD currencies when choosing Payment received for an invoice for USD transactions.

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