
Is Wave going out of business?

powermodpowermod Member Posts: 34

My main bank feed has not been updated for 24 days and counting. I have tried everything I can to update the feed but still it's a no-go. The last time this happened I manually entered 2 weeks worth of transactions but then Wave started working again causing major issues with duplicates, etc.

I emailed support 2 weeks ago (maybe longer -- it has been so long now) but have not received a response.

The constant connection issues and zero tech support leads me to believe things are not good at Wave HQ.

Has anyone else actually received a reply from Wave support in the last while? My accountant is nudging me to move to another platform but I'm not sure if I can stomach learning to use a new accounting system.

I'm not sure what to do.

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @powermod ! Things are all good here at Wave HQ. :) It sounds like you are experiencing an issue with your bank connection. When this happens and you reach out to our Support team, you will often receive an automation outlining what is happening, some possible steps to fix it, and some alternatives.

    There are basic troubleshooting steps you can start with, including:

    1. Clear your cache and cookies and attempt to reestablish the connection.
    2. Ensure the URL you are attempting to connect through when you are adding a connection matches the specific login URL you use to access your online banking.
    3. Ensure the type of account you are attempting to connect is supported for that bank (this should be indicated on the Bank Connection page).

    If these troubleshooting steps are not effective, this is likely because bank connection issues are usually the result of a miscommunication between your financial institution and Wave's third-party bank connection partner, Yodlee. As such we can act as a communication liaison for you and offer other options for importing your transactions into Wave, but our ability to troubleshoot connection issues directly is limited because the issues are most often not on Wave's side.

    From the FAQ you may have seen:

    Wave updates Yodlee on a regular basis about the success rate of connections we see with each bank, but we do not determine the priority that Yodlee gives to fixing problems with any particular institution, and cannot investigate issues with your individual bank account. Unfortunately, we also cannot advise when issues with any particular bank may be fixed — whatever Yodlee's current work plan to fix connections to your bank may be, problems could always arise with another bank that they consider higher priority, causing work on yours to be delayed.

    For more context, banks typically do not actively facilitate connection via a third party such as Yodlee. In some cases, this type of connection is actively blocked. In others, passively - ads on the page or additional login steps may disrupt the connection. Wave and Yodlee are advocates for you here because it is a better user experience when you can control your data as you see fit. However, disrupted connections may not be easy to fix and we are not always able to provide an ETA here.

    Wave offers alternatives including uploading your transactions - depending on the formats your bank offers, this is typically a very easy process.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    If you'd like assistance with uploading your transactions or questions about a specific connection and/or errors you're seeing, please let us know.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @powermod.

    I understand your frustration with bank connection issues, and really wish we could offer more direct help in fixing it.

    A working bank connection for you is how our data provider, Yodlee, operates as a successful business. If it were possible to have your connection working immediately, they would make it happen. I can guarantee that they are working through connection issues in priority sequence and, if possible, will restore your connection as soon as they can.

    On our end, we can promise communication. We can let you know what's happening, and help you find the workaround that best suits the needs of your business.

    If you experience consistent issues, you may want to apply pressure on your bank to allow for your tools to access your data so that you can use it however you wish. There are many ways for a bank connection to be broken from the bank's end, from them changing details on the back-end of their website, to your bank simply blocking attempts to extract data from their websites.

    We're also more than happy to help you work through other methods of entering your transactions.

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    zuzazuza Member Posts: 31 admin

    Hi @powermod thanks for following up with more context and screenshots. It looks like your connection with HSBC has just successfully been refreshed, can you confirm if what you see on your end has changed? If not, we'll do our best to dig a little deeper and provide you with more information, please send me a message.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi again @powermod thanks for taking the time to report back. Zuza's currently working with our data provider who are taking a deeper look into this issue. In the meantime, please let us know if anything changes on your end.

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    skarpinskiskarpinski Member Posts: 4

    Are there any updates on this issue? My connection to TD Bank is still not working either, and the official Wave post on this is that the issue was resolved back in January. I also am unable to upload CSV files because there seems to also be an issue with that page, in that it resets every time you try to hit upload. What is happening?

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hey @skarpinski thanks again for posting! If you've previously attempted to submit a support ticket regarding this issue you may have seen this update but just as a refresh: though the issue may seem similar to others, it is entirely separate. Bank connections are extremely complex and our data provider, Yodlee, facilitates connections with and troubleshoots issues related to thousands of financial institutions around the world. The issue with TD is due to TD's recent site upgrades preventing connectivity with Yodlee. They are presently working hard to resolve the issue, but do not yet have an ETA on that.

    I've responded with advice regarding your CSV troubles, and you can find that post here. :)

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    EdwinEdwin Member Posts: 7

    I am having the same issues and I'm using TD. If anyone has an update please let me know. I love waveapps and I have gotten a lot of my friends using it as well. I have great faith in Wave and their partners in fixing this issue.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Edwin. We still don't have a timeline to give yet, but we and our data provider are doing everything we can.

    In the meantime, you can upload your transactions manually by following the instructions here.

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    EdwinEdwin Member Posts: 7

    @Alexia said:
    Hi @Edwin. We still don't have a timeline to give yet, but we and our data provider are doing everything we can.

    In the meantime, you can upload your transactions manually by following the instructions here.

    THANK YOU!!! I hope it gets fixed soon. I have so many transactions that occur on my accounts that uploading files would be too time consuming.

    edited March 20, 2018
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    Jamie22Jamie22 Member Posts: 5

    Hi All
    Had my email hacked and since then unable to login to my wave account even after resetting the password several times. I have lost access to about 3 years worth of accounts and most of my client contacts. I have submitted support tickets but had no response. I could really use some help from the folks at Wave. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Thanks!

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