Credit Card Payment - Accounting for without linked account

JamboJambo Member Posts: 1

Because I am self-employed rather than an incorporated business I tend to pay my credit card with my personal bank account that is not connected to WaveApps. The credit card is a personal one but only used for business transactions.

When I pay my credit card, the transaction shows in my 'transactions' as a positive, although it is not income. Due to my private account not being linked I cannot simply select 2 transactions and click 'transfer'.

How would you go about removing or accounting for the payment?

edited February 22, 2018 in Accounting Technical Support


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Jambo,

    So you wouldn't be considering those payments as if they were made from your business to your credit card credit card, but as if they were paid by you as a the owner of the business. There's a great article in the Help Center that explains how to account for this.

    Essentially you would be paying them out of an account called "Owner's investment/drawings", an account that represents money invested into your business by yourself, or money you take back from your business (when you pay yourself, for example)

    Let me know if that makes sense to you. If you have any other questions, I'd love to help.

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