Importing credit cards caused issues

smark59smark59 Member Posts: 1

We recently acquired two credit cards for our business. A couple days ago, I noticed that the credit card balance wasn't correct in Wave. The reason was that only one card was set up to import. I changed the setting of the other one to import and then updated the bank account on the dashboard. After I did that, it caused several errors.

  • Before making the change we only had one open invoice because the check had not yet cleared. Now Wave is showing 10 unpaid invoices.
  • Our money in transit shows much more than it really is.
  • Checking account transactions are missing from July 15th through October 2.
  • The credit card balances are way off.

I contacted Live Chat and was told to reconcile the accounts. At that time I didn't realize that over 2 months of transactions are missing. Live Chat is now unavailable, probably until Monday.

Please help.


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @smark59 . There's a lot to unpack here. Let me see if I can address all of your concerns.

    1. New invoices would not be unmarked as paid due to new transactions. I would dive into these invoices specifically and take a look at where the payment is, and what happened to it.
    2. Looking at the money in transit, does anything specific stick out? Any transactions that shouldn't be there? If so, did they come from the newly imported transactions? Screenshots would be great here.
    3. Importing new transactions doesn't delete old transactions. In fact, Wave will never delete any of your information unless explicitly specified by you, the account owner. You're sure that these chequing account transactions existed previously? Is it possible that they in fact never imported from your bank connection due to a connection issue and you're just noticing it now?
    4. This specifically sounds like it requires reconciliation. Reconciling your credit card account should allow you to find that proper balance.

    Let me know on all of this info and I'd be happy to follow up.

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