Linking Bill to automatically imported transaction

MidavaloMidavalo Member Posts: 3

I'm a fairly new Wave user. I've linked my bank accounts and credit cards and these automatically import when required, which I can then categorise without issue.
Today I created my first bill for something I need to pay at the start of each month. This is paid by a bank transfer each month, however I cannot see a way to link the Transaction (automatically added from my bank) with the Bill - the Bill seems to only allow me to link to a newly created manual transaction.

Am I missing this somewhere?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Midavalo . What you can do, is when the payment for that bill is imported into your Wave account through the bank connection, you can categorize it as "Payment made for a Bill in Wave." Through that categorization you can assign it to the associated unpaid bill, thus marking it as paid and also assigning the transaction.

  • MidavaloMidavalo Member Posts: 3

    Hi @AlexL, thanks for your reply

    @AlexL said:
    you can categorize it as "Payment made for a Bill in Wave."

    Thanks, I remember now seeing that mentioned online, however I do not get that option! Do I need to activate something in order to make that available? Is it because I've split the transaction? There was a transaction fee so I separated that into a different category, but the rest matches the bill but I don't see the option (I have blanked out some of the info in the pic)

    It's quite disappointing to not be able to do this, as adding bills will enable me to plan things out better, but I'm ending up with overdue bills that I have to delete as I can't link it to the transaction. Because of this I haven't added any more bills into Wave yet.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @Midavalo . Is this transaction in a currency that is different than your business currency? Currently in Wave, you can't link a transaction in a foreign currency to a Bill I'm afraid.

    The way to make this happen at the moment is for you to mark the Bill as paid, and delete the bank transaction that you've added a screenshot of above.

    edited October 21, 2019
  • MidavaloMidavalo Member Posts: 3

    @AlexL said:
    Currently in Wave, you can't link a transaction in a foreign currency to a Bill I'm afraid.

    This is not good news :s Yes the bill is in a different currency. 95% of the income is received in one currency and 90% of the expenses are in two other currencies (different to the income currency, which is my main currency and used for most of the bank accounts). I will add that the Bill was set to the foreign currency, and was paid in that same currency (eg main currency is NZD but the bill and the payment were in USD)

    I will look at creating manual payment and removing each automatic entry...

    edited October 21, 2019
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