Reflection of outstanding balance due in a new invoice

OrkhanOrkhan Member Posts: 8

Hi to All. Is it possible to reflect an outstanding amount due (outstanding balance) from a past invoice in a new invoice for a same customer, so he will pay for an outstanding amount as well ?


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Orkhan. You've got a couple different ways to account for this. One would be to accept that the customer will overpay you on one invoice, and then split that deposit so that you can assign payment to two invoices (by using the Payment Received for an Invoice in Wave category). The other would be to add the outstanding invoice amount to the second invoice as its own line item, and then to write off the initial invoice, which you can do by following steps in this guide here.

  • OrkhanOrkhan Member Posts: 8

    Hi @ConnorM , thank you for the valuable information, but actually what I mean is to have an option which will automatically show in a new invoice any outstanding balance from previous invoices. So a client will pay for the actual invoice amount as well as for an outstanding balance.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Ah, I understand, @Orkhan, thank you for that clarification! Unfortunately, that is not something that currently exists within Wave. I've just checked in with my Sales teams here, and it does not appear that this is something currently on our roadmap, though it's a feature we see merit in and would love to do eventually, should we have the time and resources to do so.

  • OrkhanOrkhan Member Posts: 8

    Hi @ConnorM , yes such an important update will enable your clients to collect outstanding balances more easily.

  • Miss_Dori_TutoringMiss_Dori_Tutoring Member Posts: 10

    I would like to request this feature too. I need to send October's invoice to my client, but their September invoice is still outstanding. How should I indicate the amount due is the combined amount of both Sept. and Oct.? I'm worried that if I don't reference last month's outstanding amount on their new invoice, that they will only pay the current month. What's the best way to handle this? Thanks.

  • Jawed_AllanaJawed_Allana Member Posts: 9

    I would also recommend to add this feature asap. which will certainly help to me and many other users of Waveapp.

  • SpoonhandleSpoonhandle Member Posts: 13

    I'll piggyback off this. Had a customer catch up on 6 months of outstanding invoices that they hadn't been receiving in their email, and they had to go through and pay each invoice separately. Would have been nice for them to have a single balance to pay... it was rather embarrassing to be honest.

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