Connecting bank accounts

deb108deb108 Member Posts: 2

My client has many credit cards and bank accounts. She has 2 Wave accounts - personal and business. whenever we try to connect the bank accounts something goes wrong. right now they are not updating at all and half of them are not even connected anymore. any suggestions?


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @deb108 and Welcome to the Wave Community Forum!

    When using the bank connection feature in Wave, there are a couple of things to remember. First of all, every single connection (regardless of if they are established from bank accounts from the same institution) are unique. This means that it is possible that some connections may be established and some may experience difficulties. When reaching out to us, it is extremely helpful to know the institution name and the account type, so that we can do some investigation to see if this is a known issue or not. It sounds like there are a couple so the more information that you can provide, the better.

    Secondly, Wave uses a third party data aggregator to provide the bank connection feature in ave This means that if we notice that there is an issue, we can escalate it to our data aggregator but we may not be able to actually be the one to make the change through our Development Team. Are you able to let me know if these accounts have ever been connected in Wave, or are they ones that have never been connected?

    Finally, are you able to let me know if your client is attempting to connect their bank account through "Banking > Bank Connections" or "Banking > Connected Accounts"?

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