Asset accounts not appearing for bill items

JamesWattonJamesWatton Member Posts: 7

I've created a bunch of new asset accounts under the "Property, Equipment" category. None of them appear. I tried adding a new account under "Assets/Inventory" and this did appear. This seems like a bug. I need to add Property assets.


  • EileenEileen Member Posts: 4

    I am having the same problem with Inventory accounts. Only thing showing up under Asset Accounts is Accounts Receivable.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @JamesWatton @Eileen

    I just want to clarify that our bills section has not been updated in some time, and although our team is currently working on updating invoices, we are aware that this may be a drawback on your accounting. My apologies for this. Is this something you can achieve by creating a simple expense transaction instead of a bill? Let us know your workaround for the rest of the community :)

  • JamesWattonJamesWatton Member Posts: 7

    Thanks @BarsinA - I didn't realise bills were outdated, they seemed very useful for me so that's what I started off using.

    For now, I'm able to workaround this by creating an account under "Other Long Term Assets" as they seem to appear for me. I can use a journal transaction to migrate the account if this issue gets resolved in the future.

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