
Lost all my information after integration with mobile android app.

AndrewGSierraScreensAndrewGSierraScreens Member Posts: 1

After setting up Invoice and Reciepts by Wave on my android, I have lost all invoices, all estimates and Wave no longer has any record of my bank information?!?! Everything is gone and support cannot log into the android app, even with my permission, to try to figure out the issue. Repeatedly asked for someone with access the app, with no answer. He also questioned whether I actually set up the bank account. I have invoices out with payment links to customers and could not get an answer what account they are linked to or where the money will go. Any ideas? Any way to get deeper into customer service so that I can TALK to someone with full access to my account?


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @AndrewGSierraScreens Hi Andrew. I took a deeper look into your interaction on chat yesterday and i've come up with some more info. Looks like you have two different accounts in Wave, one created on the 31st and another on the 23rd. They are each associated with the different emails that you mentioned over chat, so it sounds like you've logged into the wrong account which was newly created and for this reason you're seeing a lack of info.

    Let me know if you have any luck with this or need additional help.

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