Numbering schemes?

Dignan17Dignan17 Member Posts: 1


I'm wondering what other people do for invoice numbering, and whether a feature could be added to adjust the numbers more intelligently.

This is largely psychological, but I'm self-conscious about using the default numbering when I'm dealing with repeat customers. It's weird to me that the invoice number I send them is basically revealing how much business I've had between interactions with them. I know it's silly, but for this reason I tend to format them with the date. Like today would be 191105.1 (I add a .X so to indicate multiple invoices on the day).

I know this is probably low-priority, but editing every single invoice to give it a number I prefer is a bit annoying and tedious, especially on the mobile app where it's some extra steps.

Please add a way to change the invoice number scheme to something other than a simple +1.


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Dignan17 . Thanks for your feature idea. We actually really value hearing your real world workflow and how this applies to your business, as it adds a use case for why we would add a feature like this.

    To be clear, I don't think that this is something that the team is looking at at the moment, but they'll be sure to return here and take another look at your request when prioritizing future Wave improvements.

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