
Help Setting up S Corp, Payroll for Oklahoma Business

restorwoodrestorwood Member Posts: 3

I've been running all my receipts through Wave but beginning January 1 the plan is to switch to an S Corp as I've been told there are more tax perks/breaks.

I'd love to talk with someone about the process and then have you setup my Wave account to handle all of the above.


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    MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    I'm a CPA and work with many clients around the country including Oklahoma. I am also a frequent contributor here on the community. Would appreciate the opportunity. I am available at 443-851-4054 at your convenience.

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    restorwoodrestorwood Member Posts: 3

    Just replied to your message. I'll give you a call as soon as I can....business is good so I'm currently swamped.

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