
Credits and Debits showing in wrong columns after statement uploads

PamelaPamela Member Posts: 3

Would anyone know why my debit transactions would show in the credit column and vise versa after uploading my bank statements? I went to reconcile, one month reconciled, but the transactions were in the wrong column. Is there any way to address this? I even tried to edit the transactions, but in the edit box they are showing up correctly as a Deposit or Withdraw. Thanks!



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    MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Going to depend on how your financial institution shows deposits and withdrawals. Has happened to me and learned which ones can be culprits (Chase Visa for ex). If you do not want to delete what was imported then you will need to go into each transaction and change whether it is a withdrawal or deposit. This is done on the transaction page under Accounting. In the future, if you are uploading a CSV file, be sure top open the file and check to see if deposits are positive number and withdrawals are negative numbers. You can use formulas to make quick work of converting the numbers.

    edited November 13, 2019
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    PamelaPamela Member Posts: 3

    @Mikeg thank you. Yes, I tried that, haha...I will keep working on it..I uploaded a .qbo file. I tried to change it on the accounting page under accounting, and the transactions are showing correctly in the edit area. On the reconciliation page is where they are showing vise versa...strange.

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    MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    No problem. In the future you want to consider doing the CSV file since it can be edited before upload.

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    PamelaPamela Member Posts: 3

    @Mikeg Thank you! I may just delete everything and re-upload using a CSV. Thanks for the heads up

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    Rob_vs_NumbersRob_vs_Numbers Member Posts: 1

    I have the same issue. My online bank statement shows credits and debits accurately, but in Wave reconciliation everything is reversed - credits show as debits and debits show as credits. Why?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Rob_vs_Numbers . You can take a look at Mike's post above which should give you a better explanation as to what may have happened with your upload.

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