Some missing things

LiveFuseLiveFuse Member Posts: 1


I generally love Wave and have been using it for a while. There are a couple of niggles I don't love.

First, when it converts to invoice it converts as is. What I mean is that it also converts the header, footer and notes. What I'd really like is for it to bring the table over but use the invoice defaults set in the invoice editor. Because right now I convert to invoice and then copy the default info from the editor.

I recently tried and I'm not a fan but there are a couple of things I love. At the bottom of an quote or invoice you have there checkboxes

What I think is most useful is:
1) If you check discount it adds a discount column per item and you can choose percentage or amount.
2) Early payment discount and late fees.
It would be amazing to have those options

Then one last thing. In manager you can set up billable time for a client and then when it's time to invoice you open the client, click the uninvoiced amount and create a new invoice from there.


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @LiveFuse . Thanks for all of these feature ideas. We actually are working on enhancements to our invoicing platform at the moment which should address some of these issues. We're hoping to start releasing updates in the near future, but no ETAs at the moment. Thanks again for the feedback and stay tuned for updates!

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