Sales Tax Report - Sales Subject to Tax error?

barrytbarryt Member Posts: 31

I am struggling to reconcile the Sales Subject to Tax.
I am using cash and cash equivalent reporting.
I add up the invoices in the quarter I am looking at, which shows sales amount paid (let's call that $x). I thought this was the amount that made up the sales subject to tax figure, but no. I have a difference. After some searching i have found that reimbursable expenses also impact this figure. The end of quarter balance of reimbursable expenses has a value, let's call that $Y.
But $x and $y added togehter still don;t equal the sales subject to tax number in the sales tax report.
Can you suggest what else may impact the number in the report?

I seem to have to do a lot of work to validate the GST number!!!!!


  • barrytbarryt Member Posts: 31

    Apologies, but as it would happen I've worked it out.
    It was to do with paying on personal account - used a journal which doesn't seem to recognise the reimbursed expense in the sales tax report.
    Anyway. all good now.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @barryt! Thanks for reaching out, and also for posting about your solution :) All the best.

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