Missing transaction

KevKev Member Posts: 1

I noticed that a transaction is missing in Wave that is clearly in my Bank statement. I put the statement and the account in Wave side by side on my computer screen and the transactions match except for one which is missing in Wave. All filters are off so it is not being excluded from view, and it has not been deleted.

Any experience with this sort of problem? Any recommendations? I am very concerned that other transactions may not be present.


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Kev! Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, depending on your bank, and the status of the bank connection between our third party data aggregator and that particular financial institution, missed transactions can happen. The best bet is staying vigilant, and keeping up to date with reconciliation within your account!

  • CaraCara Member Posts: 7

    I'm having this problem too. I've disconnected and reconnected my account 4 times and there is still a whole week of transactions missing. Do I have to enter them manually?

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @Cara, it looks like our Support Team has assisted you with this issue via email, and I can see that your transactions are importing again. That said, feel free to post below if you're still missing transactions!

  • CaraCara Member Posts: 7

    Hey @KiahD, thanks. It was good while it lasted. Unfortunately we'll be right back to the same issue again, as BMO is no longer available in the list of institutions to connect to. AGAIN.

  • charmccorcharmccor Member Posts: 1

    Some but not all of my transactions are missing from a credit card connected account. Why is this happening?

  • RBhollenRBhollen Member Posts: 2

    I am missing transactions from May 24 to August 16. (I was really sick and then had knee surgery.) The program has been working flawlessly, but for some reason those wells Fargo bank transactions are missing. Transactions up to May 24 are there, and after August 16 are there, my credit card transactions are correct just the bank is missing, please advise. I hope there is a way to fix, rather then manually importing 100 transactions.

  • RBhollenRBhollen Member Posts: 2

    I turned off automatic bank update, and then turned it back on, and let it do it's thing without date perimeters, and it pulled them from bank to my waves account.

  • cfluhlercfluhler Member Posts: 2

    I have a similar issue in that a transaction from the bank is included in Accounting/transactions but not in the reconciliation process and so I am off by the amount of $6.00 when matching my bank statement. If I add it then I match but there shows two transactions when there should be one. why are transactions not showing up in reconciliations?

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