Invoice Dashboard Customization

KnowaKnowa Member Posts: 1

Hello wave team,

After using the service for a couple weeks now, I have started to enjoy the experience but I think there are a couple things that would make the overall experience much more powerful and easier to use.

  1. Allow us to add new columns on the invoice dashboard page that can show more information related to the invoices. Since our business only bills 1 customer but has multiple clients, it is difficult at first glance to quickly match invoices to clients without knowing their invoice amount. We have tried using the PO number field to do something like 1-Lastname but Wave saves that as a template for the next invoice so invoice 2 shows up as 1-Lastname1.

  2. Allow the status column to have customizable settings regarding how the overdue status is handled. Currently our invoices are set to be due upon receipt, but they will show immediately as overdue. What I would like to have is the option to only show that an invoice is overdue if it is X days past it's due date. For almost all of my invoices, the only thing I care about is if the job is finished and if the invoice is either sent or unsent. This can be accomplished by setting the due date to a different date, but since we only get paid once every 2 weeks, if the due date lands on a certain day, it can lead to extra time between invoicing and payment and it can mess with our cashflow.


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Knowa! Thanks for the thoughtful feedback here. Both of these sound like feature ideas that would greatly benefit your business, and I totally hear your want for them. The community forum here for feature ideas is a really solid spot for our developers to gauge the wants and needs of business owners like yourself. Really appreciate you reaching out.

  • AffordableFixAffordableFix Member Posts: 13

    I second that. Much of my business is through one property management company. It is nearly impossible to reference an invoice. It's like looking for a needle in a hay stack. Hovering for the preview is hit and miss.

    It would be great if the index could at least contain a column for the summary line.

    Even better if invoices were actually searchable.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @AffordableFix! Thanks for sharing your feedback on this as well. I can definitely see how searching would be difficult in this case and I'm sure you're not alone! This insight is really helpful for our team to reference when changing or implementing features,

  • Sunny_GraphicsSunny_Graphics Member Posts: 3

    Yes, I third this option. One of my clients is a marketing agency. They have me bill them by project. I use the PO# field to designate which project a particular invoice is for. When looking through my invoices dashboard, it would be great to see this field as as column so I can differentiate the invoices. Now, I have to open each invoice to find the one for the project I'm looking for.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Sunny_Graphics! Definitely appreciate the context you've given us here. I'm sorry to hear about the way that not having this functionality currently impacts your workflow!

  • jfssfinancejfssfinance Member Posts: 0

    how to do so

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