One Customer with Multiple Delivery Addressees

JDAHireJDAHire Member Posts: 1

Hi All,

Not sure if there is a thread for this but I couldn't find one. I have a customer where the SHIP To location changes every time, unfortunately, when you change the delivery address for one invoice it changes it for all past invoices as well. Is there a plan to allow multiple delivery locations? Outside of saving each invoice then editing the address.


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JDAHire! Thanks for offering your use case around this. Definitely a solid feature idea, and I totally hear where you're coming from. Right now, this isn't something that's on Wave's roadmap, but I'll be sure to submit your feedback for future consideration :)

  • mikewmikew Member Posts: 2

    Hopefully this can get moved up on the list of improvements. Lots of need for having a single vendor with multiple ship-to addresses

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