
How to get current money on accounts

alexshorkinalexshorkin Member Posts: 9

I have several business on wave. I want to have a report for dedicated date for all the amounts of money on the all the accounts for selected dates.
Which API functions I must use?


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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hi @alexshorkin and Welcome to Wave's Community Forum!
    It sounds like you are looking to be able to see a report that shows all expenses and income associated to a specific date. The best report to use for this would be the "Account Transaction Report". Here you can apply the associated filters to search for the specific transactions that you are hoping to see. The screenshot below should show you the filter options, however, if I have misunderstood your question, let me know. I'm happy to take another look once you provide some further detail about the issue and context as to what you are trying to achieve.

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    alexshorkinalexshorkin Member Posts: 9

    Hi JordanD, thanks for rapid answer. I meant other thing I need. I have several business in WAVEAPP.. I want to have a quick snapshot of all the accounts money to spesific date for all business without selecting every business manually.

    I searched google and found out that WAVE doesn't have consolidated report. So I suppose to use API. Can you guide me what functions I have to use?

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @alexshorkin Your research is correct, I'm afraid. There currently isn't a way to see the rolled up account information for multiple businesses within your Wave account. The information related to APIs is slightly more technical that what our Support Team is trained to help with, but you can learn more about the Wave API on our Partner Page here: https://www.waveapps.com/partners

    You can also sign up directly on our developer page https://developer.waveapps.com. You can find helpful articles, reach out to our API team or other developers using Wave’s APIs, as well as the ticket submission form for developers directly on our Developer Portal here: https://developer.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020333712-Support-and-Resources

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hello @alexshorkin,

    As @JordanD has mentioned, our API documentation is accessible at https://developer.waveapps.com. Currently, however, we do not have an API that returns Account Balances, which is what I think you are looking for.

    In the absence of that, I think the most efficient thing would be to use Wave Connect to extract your Trial Balance report for each business.

    I've noted your request, however, and we will certainly give consideration to exposing account balances via the API in due course.

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    alexshorkinalexshorkin Member Posts: 9

    I've tested Wave Connect add-on for Google Sheets but it takes almost same time to switch between tabs (I need separate tab for every business) and generate new balance report. By the way report after generation doesn't show the name of the Business, so it is easy to mess up...

    Guys, can you please double check if we understand each other in the right way. I want to know how much money i have on every account now (or for slected date). I'm sure your powerful API must give answer for such a simple question.

    I need 4 simple columns; Business name, account name, balance, currency . What API functions do I need to get

    -list of my businesses
    -list of accounts for every of my businesses
    -amount of money on the every account

    How can i do this. I just want to simplify path for my developer with this ticket...

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @alexshorkin. Unfortunately, as listed above, we do not have an API that returns account balances. This is not something that currently exists. I totally understand that this is something that's frustrating and not what you'd like to hear, however this is the situation at hand.

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