
Search by Amount

JustinAJustinA Member Posts: 37 admin

Since we launched the ability to search by description earlier this year, we’ve had numerous requests to enhance this functionality to allow you to search by transaction amount.

This functionality currently searches all transactions in your business currency. To search for a foreign currency amount you must first filter to that account, then search for the amount in the foreign currency.

What do you think of this feature? Has it been useful? Anything you think we can improve? Let us know below!


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    newbienewbie Member Posts: 5

    Thanks so much for adding this feature! Very helpful.

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    VikTH0RVikTH0R Member Posts: 21

    This feature is good to have but wave take out Sort by AMOUNT. Unfortunately I have a lot of transactions 10.99 9.99 8.99 ect. Previously I can sort by Month and Amount but right now it waste time to find transaction by transaction. Very disappointed.

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    QaisEQaisE Member Posts: 72 admin

    Hi @VikTH0R, if I am understanding you correctly, you want to be able to also sort your transactions by amount correct? Thanks for going into detail of why that would be valuable to you. As of right now, we only have that search feature, but this information will help our developers as they continue to work on a future roadmap for our feature updates to our Transaction sorting.

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    VikTH0RVikTH0R Member Posts: 21

    @QaisE said:
    Hi @VikTH0R, if I am understanding you correctly, you want to be able to also sort your transactions by amount correct? Thanks for going into detail of why that would be valuable to you. As of right now, we only have that search feature, but this information will help our developers as they continue to work on a future roadmap for our feature updates to our Transaction sorting.

    yes you are correct, in old version I can choose Month and Sort by Amount.

    In case to add additional features WAVE developers take out useful features and pretend last upgrade is improvement of features, honestly upgrade to new version is terrible.

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    OMGEDSONOMGEDSON Member Posts: 1

    Just a few mins ago I sat here thinking... "I wish I could search by amount so I can ensure all my Rent payments were classified the same" Then I decide to click "WHAT'S NEW" hah!!! Thank you!

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    consultmbrconsultmbr Member Posts: 7

    I really appreciate these added features. It was recently suggested to have a search option for the P.O./S.O. number which is a fairly essential feature. TY

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    busymumsybusymumsy Member Posts: 4

    I agree with VikThor, prior to your approximately winter 2018-2019 update, one could sort the transactions page by any of the columns, including by amount. That was extremely useful. I am not sure why some developer thought it was a good idea to delete that function, but adding search by amount is not something new, it's bringing back old stuff that should not have been deleted.

    Bring back, please, the option to sort transactions by any of the column headers, date, amount, account, category, description, etc. Most helpful when tracking down issues.


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    xinbenlvxinbenlv Member Posts: 3

    This feature is great, thank you for doing it.

    I like expect that the following two features, if added, can be super helpful:

    1. Filter by amount range
    2. Sort by amount

    Wave is currently my choice of doing personal, home business and family trust fund management, accounting. And soon when I start my business and side business, I will start using Wave for invoice and payroll. Because of its modern design and smooth UX, great!

    However I was super surprised that filter by amount rage and sort by amount is not available.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey all! Thank you for your continued feedback and input here. It's definitely beneficial for us to see where we can continue to improve the platform!

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    ErickaEricka Member Posts: 1

    I'm 100% with busymumsy and VikThor. We need the feature that allowed us to click on a column that we want to sort by. In my trucking co, most small amounts are for coffee, Red Bull, etc, and need to be categorized together. Now, I have to go line-by-line... Ugh!

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    busymumsybusymumsy Member Posts: 4

    Agreeing with Erika, anyone doing account balancing knows sorting by amount is helpful, and it's especially odd in that prior to the big "upgrade" a few years ago, I could sort by the amount column, so they that feature away when they 'improved' the program.

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    LesterPesterLesterPester Member Posts: 1

    Agreed, selecting the heading you wanted to sort by was extremely helpful. It was really easy for me to sort through all accounts looking for duplicate transactions. Occasionally a transaction would be entered into the Cash account and also downloaded through the bank. When I could organize them by the amount column, the duplicates would jump out at me instead of having to search for each transaction by its amount.

    Please bring it back! As a bookkeeper who reviews her client's books before preparing taxes, it made my job a lot easier.

    edited July 2, 2020
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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ericka, @busymumsy, and @LesterPester!

    Definitely appreciate your continued feedback in this thread here. The context you've offered around your use cases and how these features would affect each of your businesses is beneficial for us to have, and we thank you kindly!

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    JennWilliamsJennWilliams Member Posts: 1

    This is a wonderful addition for anyone using the program. I'm grateful! I hope the next update delivers the ability to search the "NOTES" field. As an artist tracking individual pieces from a variety of suppliers, I can input that information into the NOTES section, but it takes me FOREVER to go through each Inventory Purchase description to find & match that ONE piece when it sells. I'll be watching for it. Thanks!!

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    GerryT_54GerryT_54 Member Posts: 3

    Yes I too miss the ability to sort by amount, which makes it super easy to spot duplicate transactions especially since my BMO account no longer links due to it being allocated to my wave payroll, so i need to manually import the transactions and sometimes mistakes are made.

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    ohio_bryceohio_bryce Member Posts: 14

    Another vote for sort by amount and search for amounts in a range. It's often that I have an approximate amount that I'm trying to hunt down.


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    CedarRidgeCedarRidge Member Posts: 1

    I also agree with what others have said about being able to sort by any of the column headers... that would be REALLY helpful!

    Would also be very helpful if I could search and/or sort by CUSTOMER, so I could easily see what supply purchases need to be billed to each customer when I am working on billing. There is a way to get to this information through the Reports section, but it takes several extra steps and would be much more user-friendly if it could be filtered that way from the Transactions section.

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    WIlson_r3WIlson_r3 Member Posts: 2

    I never thought that this software was so good for my business, up until I used it. It's the best indeed. ;)

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    Pterodactyl_1Pterodactyl_1 Member Posts: 2

    Glad for the feature, and I would add two tweaks:

    • Search for subtotals (in the categories detail), not just transaction totals.
    • Have a default to add 00 when pressing the . and not adding more digits.
      Thanks for considering this.
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    whidzeewhidzee Member Posts: 7

    I wish there was the ability to search using the text in the Notes. eg full or partial string matching would be amazing

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