NPO's - Programmes, Projects

SollyPSollyP Member Posts: 1

Please help is there in any that the software is able to duplicate accounts per programme and or projects e.g. Programme 1 - Accounting fees, Programme 2 Accounting Fees, and should be able to roll up into a single report as well as report per programme. This is pertinent when doing the books for an NGO/NPO, currently have to duplicate accounts i.e. add accounts for each programme


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @SollyP . There's no way to duplicate accounts at the moment. In regards to generating reports for projects together while also being able to generate reports for separate projects, I'm afraid this is considered project-based accounting which Wave doesn't currently support. The way around this would be to use a different business for each project to generate reports separately, but then you wouldn't be able to generate all of your numbers together.

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