
XLS won't upload

CedarHeightsCedarHeights Member Posts: 15

My xls file is loading but when the transactions are importing, the screen just circles forever. It's been like this for a week. The xls file is fine and in the same format as always. But it's getting pretty crippling now.


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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @CedarHeights! Can you let me know what browser you're using? This definitely sounds like a tricky one that I'd love to dig into more with you!

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    CedarHeightsCedarHeights Member Posts: 15

    Hi. I'm using Chrome. It's what i always use. Thanks

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    MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    You are trying to upload a csv file not an xls or xlsx file. Correct?

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    CedarHeightsCedarHeights Member Posts: 15

    That's correct. It's a CSV file. It accepts the file format but won't load the transactions. I tried it on Edge too.

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    MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Hmm, not sure. If you send the file to mike@mgfinancial.net, be happy to try it on a test profile I use.

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