Sales tax not reverse calculated on receipts

LovaAndriamanjayLovaAndriamanjay Member Posts: 2

For some reason, Sales Taxes are not recognized when uploading a receipt and manually assigning the taxes does not compute them. If I manually check the box associated to the taxes they are set at 0 instead of computing them off the grand total. If I manually enter the sub total and check the sales taxes they are correctly computed. Am I missing something?

edited December 17, 2019 in Accounting Technical Support


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @LovaAndriamanjay! I've just checked in with my teams on this, and this is actually working as intended. The best workflow here would be to enter the subtotal and then check those sales taxes off

  • LovaAndriamanjayLovaAndriamanjay Member Posts: 2

    I don't see how this can be the intended behavior. The OCR is working very well and detecting the total but for some reason we should manually enter the subtotal to have the taxes calculated.

    If you go to the transaction menu you can have the taxes calculated and added from the total that was captured from the receipt. You can even select multiple receipts and have the changes applied. However, using this technique you don't see the image of the receipt right next to the form so you cannot really verify that everything is correct (e.g. if part of the receipt is non taxable the calculated taxes won't match).

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