How to Import Products ?

Mahmoud321Mahmoud321 Member Posts: 1

Hello pros
Hope you all doing good
Actually i am a return user
i had created business before 3 years and now i am back to wave
i face problem with my old business that i am not able to delete all the old transaction , so i archive this old file and create new business , but now i am facing a problem that i am not able to import some purchase transaction around 100 , which is nightmare to enter manually again from my excel
and same with the product and services

so i hope someone have any ideas help me to achieve this

thanks in advanced


  • Petra_BPetra_B Member Posts: 37

    Hey @Mahmoud321! How are you trying to import those transactions? Wave can be a little finicky with the format of the file you're trying to upload. If you're doing it through a CSV file, Wave'll only read it if it has only 3 or 4 columns, and you'll still have to categorize everything by hand. Might be easier to just go back to the start of your year and set starting balances from there.

    Your products and service are gonna have to be entered manually tho. Doesn't seem to be a way to import them. Customers can be, but not products.

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