Can you run a report for a specific service you provide?

BuffWaverBuffWaver Member Posts: 1

Hi, I'm trying to run a report and see how often/what the total income is for a specific service that I offer. Whenever I create an invoice, I specify the service provided (and I'm able to see the entry within products and services) but I want to run a year end report to see how often I provided that service and what part of my income it represents. Is there a way to sort reports for that?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @BuffWaver . This type of report doesn't exist as we don't offer any sort of inventory or service tracking. There are workarounds, like assigning a specific income account to a specific product so that you can filter for the specific income account in your Account Transactions report, thus representing what you've sold. But this isn't an actual feature of the system at the moment.

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