How Do I Set My Business Location If I'm Not in USA or Canada?

JordanS1234JordanS1234 Member Posts: 1

How do I add my business location to quotes and invoices? I see that the only options this software gives me for a business location is USA or Canada to select where my business operates from... I am based in South Africa. Why can't I add in my South African business details on my invoice?

My client needs an invoice with my business operating address for legal purposes.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @JordanS1234. I checked to take a look and your business seems to be set in South Africa, as it should be.

    Can you give me a screenshot of the page you're trying to modify? There are a small number of features that are only available in Canada and the US, but that shouldn't affect the address block on your invoices.

  • goldinfinitegoldinfinite Member Posts: 1

    same problem here, is it posible to change invoice address to UAE instead of the 2 countries available.

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