Credit Union changed its name

PhilRPhilR Member Posts: 3

The Helena Community Credit Union recently changed its name to the Intrepid Credit Union. Nothing else has changed (same routing number, etc). All I want to do is edit/change the bank name in my WAVE account. I can't find any way to do this. Can you direct me to find some way to do this?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @PhilR , you can change the name of this in your Accounting by heading to Accounting > Chart of Accounts and clicking the pencil icon next to the name of the account. Here you can change the name to something more appropriate for the bank's name change.

  • PhilRPhilR Member Posts: 3

    Hi AlexL,
    Thanks for your reply. This is a partial fix, as I can edit the names of the savings acct and checking acct through the Chart of Accounts. But it does not address the Bank Name under Banking>Bank Connections. That is what I want to change, and the "Edit Bank Credentials" only allows me to change the login user id and password. So far I have not found a way to edit the Bank Name itself.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    hey @PhilR

    Since this connection is brought in directly from our third party data aggregator is unfortunately unable to be manually changed. Currently our data aggregator hasn't received these updates to your banks name change. Until they do will it update on the banking tab.

    Just curious whether not having this change is affecting your bookkeeping or invoicing in any way?

  • PhilRPhilR Member Posts: 3

    Hmmm, OK, 3rd party issue. That explains why when I searched for the Intrepid Credit Union in the list of banks, it was not found. In a way its good to know I wasn't missing something obvious.
    regarding bookkeeping or invoicing: No, its not a problem.

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