
Customizing the estimate and invoice

grandagranda Member Posts: 1

Is there any option that we can change the preset invoice and estimate styles with a custom made. Has anybody done it


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    RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    Hi Granda,

    Wave has 3 preset templates with customization options such as renaming columns, showing/hiding columns, setting default notes and footers and changing the titles of the documents as well as logo and accent colour personalization.

    What other types of customization are you looking for? Is there different information you want to present or different visual layouts?

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    jld1388jld1388 Member Posts: 1

    I hope there is a way to resize the Invoice / Estimate** titles / names, at the upper right corner**. The font size is too intimidating, at least for our culture. We also need a** negative tax **(for withholding taxes) for our country. Thanks for this free wonderful product/service.

    edited April 3, 2019
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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Thanks @jld1388! That is a great suggestion. We have a couple templates you can play around with (via Settings > Invoice Customization), but on the fly resizing isn't a possibility currently. Would smaller font be better speaking of which?

    Also, in terms of a withholding tax, could you give me a better idea of how you'd be using it currently? I'm thinking one way to track it in Wave is that, after you've marked an invoice as paid, you could add your withholding tax to the actual transaction via Accounting > Transactions. When added this way, transactions work as tax-inclusive, so you wouldn't be increasing the income total, but rather indicating which portion of income needs to be remitted.

    Another possibility - say you invoice $100 and the withholding should be $5, You would add a debit of $5 to the item purchased (expense or asset) set up a withholding tax payable account on the balance sheet and credit $5. When the use tax is remitted you would debit the use tax payable account and credit cash.

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    JKCWSJKCWS Member Posts: 14

    +1 for the ability to customise the invoice templates.

    The ultimate option would be to have a complete invoice designer that you could maybe edit the html and add the available fields wherever you want them. Also the ability to set your own margins etc.

    I would settle though for an option just to set custom margins with a very plain template so when i print them i can use my own headed paper as i have my own stationary designs that keeps everything tied together.

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    Mrs_YMrs_Y Member Posts: 1

    I want to so badly suggest the use of Wave to my clients but can't because of the lack of customization on invoices. They are a niche industry which requires certain fields on every invoice. Without the invoice being able to be set up that way, I can't recommend this to them. My clients are all in the transportation industry and are all stuck paying (or not paying for software and then a bookkeeper like me) way too much in order to just do every day business. Wish there was something out there for them to use.

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    vannemicvannemic Member Posts: 9

    It would be great to just have clickable links in the invoice notes or footer to start.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @JKCWS @Mrs_Y @vannemic Definitely appreciate the feedback you've given us here. Looking at improving invoice customization is something that has been discussed previously, and when we have more details regarding how we can improve this for our users, we will let everyone know!

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    S_TugayS_Tugay Member Posts: 1

    @Rahim said:
    What other types of customization are you looking for? Is there different information you want to present or different visual layouts?

    I need a field for signature and company stamp for the seller and for the buyer.

    it would be nice if you offer custom fields additional to the current fields
    if the user can upload his own template and let it scan to find out the required fields and field values for your system.

    The fastest possible solution would be maybe to edit the current templates with a rich text editor in which you can mark the field values with an '@' or '#' (e.g. #tax_number).

    To cut a long story short, please just do something as soon as possible for make the invoice customizable.

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hi @S_Tugay , thank you for your feedback on this, it is not going unheard. We are hoping to implement big changes to our invoicing feature soon! We will be sure to update this thread again, closer to the time.

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    dw21dw21 Member Posts: 1

    Great idea from @S_Tugay. I include a bunch of info in the notes section of my invoices. Without basic formatting features, the notes section becomes a wall of text that is hard to read. For example, I include information like this:

    This is an invoice for a [CLIENT NAME] interview with [GUEST NAME] on [DATE].
    I accept payment via any of the following:
    Option A
    Option B
    Option C
    Please note: I charge a 10% late fee for every month an invoice is overdue, starting the day after the due date.
    Thank you again! If you have any questions feel free to contact me at [CONTACT INFO]

    Some basic features like line breaks and bold/underline would be incredibly helpful.

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    SchamatoSchamato Member Posts: 1

    One of my customers is in the transportation business and needs to track mileage per invoice for fuel cost and taxes. What would the best way be to accomplish that?

    Plus, it would be good to allow searching by Company name and Contact name when finding customer names in the invoices. We might have one company with multiple different clients reserving busses.

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    ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @dw21 Thanks for weighing in and sharing what sorts of templates would be helpful for the invoice feature!

    @Schamato Wave doesn't have an explicit way to enter mileage but this help centre article covers all the workarounds you can use to enter mileage: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000099163-Entering-mileage-in-Wave

    Where specifically would you like this search function for the company name? When you create an invoice and add a customer, you have the option of putting the Business name as the contact and then also entering the contact's name. That way, you can search by business and select for the right contact when you go to select your customer for an invoice. If you set up your customer details that way, searching by company name is definitely possible!

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    MSBioMSBio Member Posts: 1

    I would agree that lack of customization is a major minus of the wave system. Changing preset fields or title of fields would be a major advantage, especially for my situation where I am in a country where English is not the major language, and thus estimates and invoices need to be in local language. Thus instead of having the titles "Estimate number" and "Due Date" etc. it would be great to modify to names of our own. Or even simpler if one could upload own template to the wave system and use as template for estimates or invoices.

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @MSBio, thanks for reaching out and thank you for your insight on this! I agree that this is a set back, especially for our users around the world who's first language is not English as you mentioned. I will be sure to pass this feedback along to our Product Team but I'm afraid I do not know when this will be updated as it is not on our immediate roadmap.

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    LyndalLyndal Member Posts: 2
    Estimates is the perfect feature for me to create pro forma invoices, however there are still some hard coded field names that can’t be customised, such as ‘Estimate Number’ and ‘Estimate Date’ and ‘Expires On’. Can these field names also be customisable please?

    Also, when sending an estimate email from within Wave, the body of the email still says ‘Estimate’ rather than whatever the heading has been customised to.
    edited December 6, 2019
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    Mr_TMr_T Member Posts: 1

    Hi @ZoeC and Hi @JamieD, do you have news regarding the customizing the invoices? I would like to change only the "Invoice Number", "P.O Number", "Due Date" and "Payment Due" into my needed language. That would be awesome if this would work in the future. Thx, Mr. T.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Lyndal . I merged your thread into this estimate customization thread to centralize some of this info for you!

    In general, an update to estimates is definitely long overdue, and it's definitely apart of our long term plans to upgrade, but it's just not currently something that we'll be working on in the near future. I'd happily take these customizations to the team on your behalf though.

    @Mr_T Hey Mr. T. No updates at the moment, but we'll be sure to inform our customers when this customizability is available.

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