Time AND Quantity Based Services and Product Rates

LAYERcLAYERc Member Posts: 9

Please add ability to have both time and quantity based service and product rates


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @LAYERc , interesting feature idea. Can you explain how this would help your business? How would you use both quantity and time in your invoicing?

  • RyanMMediaRyanMMedia Member Posts: 1

    @LAYERc said:
    Please add ability to have both time and quantity based service and product rates

    I think what @LAYERc is trying to say @AlexL is the same thing I am looking for: I rent out equipment for my Photo/ Video Production Company, so I deal with multiplications of single items. Say "6x Stands for 3 Days". Where currently I have to list out 6 line items for 1 stand each, and then x3 Quantity for the days. This is annoying and confuses clients. Alternatively I could put 18x Stands, but the client is equally confused as to why they aren't receiving 18 stands... we need an additional "Quantity" Multiplying Column.

    edited October 22, 2021
  • LAYERcLAYERc Member Posts: 9

    @AlexL , thank you for your reply/inquiry... on the Menu > Settings > Invoice Customization the Invoice column settings allow for the "radio button" choice of Quantity OR Hours, however, many businesses provide both services AND goods, thus needing both a Quantity based line item and an time based line items.

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