
Wave Connect - how to add multiple items to invoice?

CavCav Member Posts: 5

I'm using wave to collect club fees and need to be able to add 3 different 'products' to each invoice.
I've set up all of the customers and uploaded them, but not sure how I add the 3 products in Google Sheets.
I've tried duplicating the item name column (didn't work - just get the 3 dots when validating) and also using 3 separate rows under the original customer name (again didn't work).
How do I add more than 1 product for bulk invoices? Thanks

edited January 8, 2020 in Wave Discussion


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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Cav,

    From the Wave Connect instructions in the Help Center:

    When you upload Invoices, add one row per Line Item (i.e. each invoice product). Wave Connect will start at the top of your spreadsheet and assume rows belong to the same invoice until it sees a change in customer. It will then build an invoice for the next customer until there is another change, and so on. Note that when you Validate your data, Wave Connect will apply shading to the rows, that makes it really easy to see where each invoice will start and end. If you want to force a new invoice for the same customer insert a blank row.

    Does that give you what you need?

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    CavCav Member Posts: 5

    Got it @PaulC - not sure why it didn't work the first time, but it worked this time. Thank you!
    Is there anyway to bulk email them at the same time?
    Or do I need to go into each individual line and click send?
    Thanks again

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    PaulCPaulC Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Glad that worked @Cav!

    Currently, Wave Connect just creates Invoices. You need to review and send within Wave.

    This is something we'll revisit later in the year, to provide a way that you can upload and send directly from Wave Connect.

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