Connecting to bank with different selection before user/password entry.

tegwilymtegwilym Member Posts: 5

We set up a new bank account for our Ebay business to use in addition to Paypal as our primary incoming/outgoing funds. When I try to add our bank (Nicolet National Bank) it fails every time.
I'm thinking it may be because there are a few selections to make on the main bank page (select login, select business, then enter login info). Is there a way to manually direct Wave to a login page and set it up that way? I only get a few attempts to try before I get locked out.
We need this bank linked somehow since it's now our new primary business bank.



  • AnchorsAZAnchorsAZ Member Posts: 1

    We have the same issue with National Bank of Arizona. The login is not asking us for the Company ID only the username and password.

  • tegwilymtegwilym Member Posts: 5

    Glad I'm not the only one. We set up this account just for our business, and can't use it with Wave which we do all our accounting on. :-(

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey all,

    Unfortunately, with the move to the new banking platform, several connections that were previously working will now no longer be supported. I understand that this is something that greatly impacts your workflow, and I do apologize. In stead of these connections working, I'd recommend manually uploading your credit card or bank statements, as that will be the most reliable way to have that transactional data import. Again, I'm very sorry for this inconvenience.

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