Import Customs Duty and Shipping Charges

raj000000raj000000 Member Posts: 1

We are a trading company in Africa. We import products from all around the world. I wanted to know how we can integrate Import Customs Duty and Shipping Charges onto one purchase order?

For example:

I have an invoice from my supplier from china for product A

An x 100: 100$

Shipping: 50 $

Total: 150 $

When the goods reach my country I have to pay following on the same invoice :

Customs duties: 20 ( local currency)
Local transport: 10 ( local currency)
Unloading labor charges: 5 ( local currency)

As you can see all these costs/expenses are related to one Invoice from supplier, so how can I add them up together so I can know the exact final cost of the product that I imported. These are cost of goods rather than an expense since they differ every time I import something.

Thank you for your advise.

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