Possible Bug - Sales Tax Behavior on Expense to Asset

amattasamattas Member Posts: 5

I'm trying to record an expense where I purchased an Asset, and I paid sales tax on the item.

When I set the expense account to the Asset, sales tax improperly shows as Sales Tax due versus Sales Tax Paid.

Has anyone else seen this?


  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Not sure how you are doing that within Wave but, when you purchase a fixed asset and have paid sales tax, the sales tax is part of the asset, not an expense. The entire amount paid should be categorized as an asset and not bifurcated.

  • amattasamattas Member Posts: 5
    I’ve been checking the included sales tax box on the transactions in the register. Should i not be doing that in expenses/assets and only using that for receipts?
  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    That would be correct. The payment already reflects sales tax. I'm not as familiar with the receipts app since I find it easier just to account for amounts going through the bank rather than having clients matching disbursements to receipts.

  • amattasamattas Member Posts: 5

    Sorry, I meant should I only be using that checkbox on payments from my clients that include sales tax that isn't reflected on an invoice?

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Yes, but you should be determining at an invoice level as to whether sales tax applies. If it does, then include on invoice. If not, you would not check the box. You are acting as an agent for the state to collect sales tax from your customer on a taxable sale and then remitting that amount to the state.

  • amattasamattas Member Posts: 5

    And then for expenses, you just include the sales tax as part of the applicable expense account then? i.e. it all goes to Office Supplies?

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    That is correct.

  • amattasamattas Member Posts: 5

    Thanks, now I have a bunch of data to fix. oi.

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