Bank Connection and multiple currencies

jasingjojasingjo Member Posts: 6

I'm having some issues connecting up my bank connections with your change in provider. Its showing CAD amounts for a USD account that will be importing USD asset account.

Lets assume the following:

  • Amount A is my expected total in my USD Savings account.
  • Amount B is the correct FOREX to CAD of Amount A
  1. I have Amount A USD in the Business USD Savings account.
  2. On the attached image, it is showing Amount A except in CAD.
  3. When I go look at my transactions page, it shows Amount A USD as my Business USD Savings account total and Amount B CAD that my business currency is set in.

I'm not having a lot of trust in this system after the migration and especially now after your bank integration provider change. Should I ignore the Amount A CAD shown on the bank integration page?
This has been an extremely frustrating couple months


  • jasingjojasingjo Member Posts: 6

    I have also lost the ability to choose with account that I would like the transactions imported into.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @jasingjo

    My apologies you're experiencing this issue with your bank connection. Unfortunately in the community it's difficult to escalate these kinds of issues as I don't have the proper tools necessary to do so. I'd recommend reaching out to our support staff and submitting a ticket and they will be able to escalate your post to our third party data aggregator.

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