
More customisation when sending invoices

lucas501lucas501 Member Posts: 2

I'm a lighting designer and production studio. I do permanent and temporary lighting installs for venues, shows and music videos. I regularly send invoices to other businesses as well as individuals and while current invoicing in wave is good, it could be a bit more flexible.

> Section titles on invoice items - To group areas of cost when listing with large amounts of items. This makes invoices easier for my clients to read.
> Moveable line items - So you can re order you products on the invoice having already added them. This also makes invoices easier for my clients to read.
> Option to CC email addresses when sending invoices - I often have to CC accounts departments in addition to my client contact. Clients and accounts often filter their inbox by CC and don't like me sending invoices directly to them. As a result I currently have to export and send invoices outside of the application.

The two formatting features would make my invoices look more professional and legible.
The option to CC email addresses when sending would speed up my workflow as I could send within the app.


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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Thanks so much for your input @lucas501 - there's a lot of useful information here. :) I'm tempted to ask what your most favorite show or video to work on has been!

    You mention the app - do you most often find yourself sending invoices on the go in the mobile app, or creating multiple invoices at one time and sending them at your computer? Do you receive most or all of your payments via invoices?

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    TimKTimK Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    @lucas501 said:

    > Section titles on invoice items - To group areas of cost when listing with large amounts of items. This makes invoices easier for my clients to read.

    Seems like a sensible and simple feature.

    > Moveable line items - So you can re order you products on the invoice having already added them. This also makes invoices easier for my clients to read.

    I believe this already exists. If you go into an invoice and mouse over the 8 dots to the left of a line item, you can drag and drop items up and down the invoice.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @TimK.

    It is possible to move around line items from the website, but not from the mobile app. I believe that's what @lucas501 is referring to.

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