
Problem with Connection to the Bank

MaksymAdvantageMediaMaksymAdvantageMedia Member Posts: 2

Dear Support Team, please help us find out with our situation -We are new on Waveapps, and we need to connect our bank account to Waveapps, but unfortunately we can't do this because of the an unknown reason, when we adding the link on web site - nothing happens !,
So, please tell us what need to do, our may be you can assist me via the skype to do this important thing.

Thank you in advance,
Best Regards,

email - maksym@advantagemedia.mobi
Skype - maximzarudniak

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    JimitJimit Member Posts: 3

    I am facing the same issue. Have tested it on Chrome, Safari but no luck.

    Citibank India integration is no longer working. My current connection is asking me to edit my credentials but the screen does not load. error is TypeError: e.optionsValues.map is not a function. (In 'e.optionsValues.map(function(e,t){return k.default.createElement("option",{value:e.key,key:t},e.value)})', 'e.optionsValues.map' is undefined)
    Web inspectors shows Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (HTTP/2.0 404) https://integrations.waveapps.com/sitestatic/integrations/yodlee/angular-animate.min.js.map

    Have not been able to sync records now for over a week. Please help as this is very important.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @MaksymAdvantageMedia and @Jimit.

    There could be a few reasons why the connection is failing. It's likely an issue between our third-party bank data provider and your bank. There are a few different things that can trigger this failure to connect, from a backend change to your bank's login page to your bank blocking data imports entirely. Our data provider will be seeing those connection errors and will work on fixing them in priority order.

    If you're interested in reading more information on bank connection issues in this post.

    Your best option right now is to upload your bank statements manually following the instructions posted here.

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    MaksymAdvantageMediaMaksymAdvantageMedia Member Posts: 2

    @Alexia said:
    Hi @MaksymAdvantageMedia and @Jimit.

    There could be a few reasons why the connection is failing. It's likely an issue between our third-party bank data provider and your bank. There are a few different things that can trigger this failure to connect, from a backend change to your bank's login page to your bank blocking data imports entirely. Our data provider will be seeing those connection errors and will work on fixing them in priority order.

    If you're interested in reading more information on bank connection issues in this post.

    Your best option right now is to upload your bank statements manually following the instructions posted here.

    Dear Alexia ,

    Could you please give us time estimate for the resolution of the problem ?

    Thank you in advance,

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    JimitJimit Member Posts: 3

    Hi @Alexia @MaksymAdvantageMedia

    Tested today and the issue has been resolved as I was able to fetch the transactions from Citibank.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @MaksymAdvantageMedia.

    I can't, since issues like these are not in our hands, but in the hands of our third-party bank data provider. They'll be working on reconnecting your bank as soon as they can, following their own priority order.

    That being said, following @Jimit's comment, this might already have been fixed. Can you check if you can connect to your bank?

    Thank you @Jimit for letting us know!

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