Another bank no longer working after the "upgrade"

AetherAether Member Posts: 3

I hate to keep parroting what others seem to be saying about a step backwards with this new bank connection provider but when you've been using it for years and now your bank fails to login I don't know how you can be expected to be happy about it.

The bank I use is a smaller regional bank (First Interstate Bank) but they have specific online banking logins for personal and corporate (business) accounts. The bank is listed as supported but I'm guessing only for personal accounts because my verified working corporate login fails every time (and had been working fine previously). Either something is broken or it's a case of only supporting personal banking logins (poor fit for an SMB product like Wave right?).

I figure I'll give it a month and see where things are when the dust settles. CSV imports work but stepping backwards 10 years is not exciting for me.

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