
Customers screen needs some love - How about a filter to start

volkswagnervolkswagner Member Posts: 14

The Customers screen is the most lacking GUI in Wave.
I think all of the other screens have a filter.

What I can't do in Customers screen, but should be able to do:
1. Sort and filter by column heading
2. Search for a specific customer
3. click on the customer's line to view the record (like invoice list can)
4. Set an hourly rate based on customer
5. Create customer groups (residential, commercial, GeoTag, etc)



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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @volkswagner! Thank you very much for reaching out here! While I can't promise that all of these things will be implemented in future iterations of the Customers screen, I can assure you that this is the right place to submit these ideas.

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    KimosabeKimosabe Member Posts: 1

    It’s almost a show stopper to not be able to search for a customer. I have over 600 customers. Cntrl-F might work. I guess maybe the free CRM, Bluecameroo integration could possible solve the problem?

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    JoanneTorryJoanneTorry Member Posts: 1

    Not being able to view the customer's address is a big issue for us.
    Not being able to view and interact with activity for a customer is going to make this system unsuitable for our purposes. We're going to have to go back to the drawing board to find another program to use, unfortunately.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @JoanneTorry

    My apologies that this function is not available at this time. I appreciate you reaching out about this as a concern and know that our developers are always scouring the community for future updates.

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