
Issue connecting bank account

Athena MarketingAthena Marketing Member Posts: 2

After wave successfully connects to the bank via user name and password I get an error message:

The security answers you entered are incorrect. Try to connect again and re-enter them. Multiple attempts to connect will be required for all security questions to be answered. If your answers are correct and you are stuck,visit our help centerto investigate the problem.

But I was never able to input my security questions in the first place, how can wave input these wrong if they don't have the information?

Please advise.

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi! Thanks for posting. Does this sound like the error message you're seeing? If yes, our team has worked to resolve this issue. Please let us know if you see it continue.

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    Athena MarketingAthena Marketing Member Posts: 2

    HI Charlotte, I just tried it again and continue to receive the same error. I do see the captcha but that has never given a problem, I've been able to click on it and it accepts the answer that I'm human. What I don't have the ability is to add the answer to my 3 security questions for the credit card access.

    The banks website URL that's on wave's site goes to a landing page, on the landing page I have to click on log in which re-directs to a third party website, which I don't believe wave's system is doing. If wave could be updated to be directed to the third party web page from the get go I think the issue would be resolved.


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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi, thanks for your response! Your comment regarding the bank updating its site is very helpful - it's very likely that this is the cause of the problem you're seeing here. Our team is unable to make this change because Wave works with a third party data provider through which we facilitate connectivity to banks around the world. I can confirm that our data provider works to resolve issues where they can (and we work to make sure this is as efficient as possible) but we can't guarantee a timeline. You can read more about how this works herein an article by our Director of Customer Success.

    Managing your transactions is definitely a priority, so we offer multiple methods of getting your information into Wave. You can read about transaction upload here. Do let us know if you have questions about how this works!

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