Duplicated acounts splitting transactions across them - why & how to fix

EmilyTEPEmilyTEP Member Posts: 1

Hi, I set up wave accounting for expenses and had- one personal section for my NHS work and another TEP for my coaching business all on the same wave registered account/email address. I later set up for invoices for the same TEP business. All fine and helped with tax return. This year I had thought it would be super easy - I have been forwarding all my expenses via the receipts@wave system and have a few added manually. I assign them to either personal or TEP. I also set up the invoice system to record each payment/sale linked to the TEP section.

Then I come to do tax return. For some unknown reason there is a second section so now there is personal, TEP and TEP again. I noticed the second TEP on the wave invoice app when I logged in and found my invoices all gone - horror! Only to find they were in another TEP subaccount. No idea where this second TEP came from - maybe when I set up the invoicing on the app? But I set it up with the same email address/log in.

Big problems
1. Now my invoices/sales are split across the two TEP accounts - I can deal with this, annoying but fine I can add the two totals together if needed?!

  1. The personal expenses are all mixed up in the TEP accounts - across both of them! Including expenses that were 100% correctly allocated to the personal section as they are from last years tax return.

  2. I want to know why these personal expenses are moving to TEP accounts AND to easily move them to personal. Judging by other comments its not possible to do that anymore??! Please tell me I'm not expected to manually re-enter them all?

  3. Some of the expenses I've forwarded over - reliably whenever they arrive in my inbox, are not landing in Wave. So now I have to go through my emails anyway to search and cross-check to wave.

Unfortunately, at this rate I'm going to be copying out a spreadsheet :( gutted and have recommended this Wave accounts to several ppl - oops!

Note - I have no bank accounts linked to the wave account.

[FYI - I have an admin assistant who has tried to fix this by labelling the accounts TEP 1 and TEP 2 for some clarity, alongside Personal. And has created TEP default to try and merge it but is taking so much time & maybe causing more confusion]

Any advice appreciated, thank you!


  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @EmilyTEP! Thanks for reaching out! It can get a bit confusing when duplicate businesses are accidentally created. In order to get all your information in one business, you can go to: Settings > Data Export and then do an accounting export. You can then use one of our upload methods - Wave Connect or our CSV uploader to upload the data into one business. Once you have the data all in one business, you can archive the duplicate business.

    In terms of moving the Personal expenses over, there isn't an easy way to do this I'm afraid. You could do a data export and then edit the file to include only the expenses you want to upload to Personal. If you are forwarding receipts to Wave you should not be having success with this so I'm sorry if you did previously. Forwarding receipts by email was a function that was not allowed in Wave but some users had success with this previously. If you receipt was a forwarded email, you will have to resend it to get the data uploaded correctly. I also recommend checking out our receipts help center here for more information about uploading receipts and other settings.

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