Deposits / Withdrawls show wrong categories bug - workaround: click again

adamadam Member Posts: 4

I noticed that if you click create a manual transaction and set it to "WITHDRAWL", 50% of the time, all of the categories are for income accounts (which is obviously wrong, withdrawls should only be for expense accounts).

Similarly, transactions set to "DEPOSIT" will show expense accounts 50% of the time.

Workaround: click on it again, one more time from the dropdown, and it changes back. (Don't try to change it, it switches back every time you click the dropdown regardless of whether you change it or not).

This is a pretty major bug in waveapps.

If you select "withdrawl", it should only show you categories for expense accounts. However, 50% of the time, it incorrectly shows you categories for income accounts.

I noticed this when I had to manually re-enter lots of PayPal data because that integration is really buggy.

It's a bummer that this software has so many bugs and "workarounds".

edited March 14, 2018 in Accounting Technical Support


  • Dante_BulluckDante_Bulluck Member Posts: 52 ✭✭

    Can you give more information on the categories that are changed? I played around on my end, out of curiosity, and I'm only seeing changes for payments recorded to invoices (they turn into refunds for the same invoice, and that makes sense to me).

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @adam.

    I did some digging and this is a known bug. Our engineers are working on a fix right now. I can't tell you exactly when it'll be rolled out, but I'll let you know here when I have more information.

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and for presenting this workaround!

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